

A colleague asked end of last year if I would be willing to take a student intern while she's on maternity leave. Honestly, the thought of it brought butterflies to my tummy and doubts to my worry-prone head. That's when I knew I had to say yes. Yup, butterflies in my tummy is always a good sign that an experience is outside my comfort zone... I like having a few correctly-sized sharks in my fish tank :0)

The rotation started last Monday (and will end March 28... u-huh, 3 whole months) and I am so relieved and grateful that the intern is smart, confident and open-minded. It could have easily gone the other way, meaning a shunga-shunga intern or an arrogant and close-minded one; imagine how long and tortuous the next 3 months would have been!

So I offer another prayer of gratitude to the One looking out for me. I was sure before that this is going to be an interesting learning experience , and after the first week, I'm glad to know that I get to enjoy it:0)

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