
The Answer

Post Valentine brunch at the Berkeley Marina

This was supposed to be a Valentine post but time got away from me.


I found an old blog of mine and read a post dated February 2001, three months before Mr.A entered my life again.

Reading through it again and looking back, I am amazed at how God and the universe in general works in mysterious yes varied ways to bring us our heart's desire. The key thing is being brave enough to ask for it :0)

Here's the request that probably brought me the greatest love of my life...


I've thought about putting a want ad in the daily broadsheets. But instead of looking for a job, or something just as common, I'll be advertising for a boyfriend. Sounds a little desperate? Umm... I guess. But hey, the idea has its merits. For one, I'll surely won't face the dilemma of falling for a friend... and all the anguish that goes with it. For right from the start, he'll know where he stands and just what kind of relationship I want from him. Next. there'll be no surprises or at the very least, it would be lessened a great deal. I mean all the applicants would have to be shortlisted first before they can be considered. So that means, there'll be none of that tripping and falling stuff. The freedom to choose... not suddenly realizing you just have to be with this guy, not because you want to...but because you have to.
Hmmm... doesn't that kind of take the romance out of the whole thing? Not really. I mean, I can always include romantic in the qualifications. Which leads me to... what exactly do I put in the...umm... qualifications? Should I be so specific as to dictate all I want down to the languages spoken? Or do I make it short and sweet? Somethin like:wanted: boyfriend material...
But then, something as vague as that would surely bring in droves of creatures with an unrealistic view of themselves.
Come to think about it... what do I really want? Of course, I want perfection. But in the absence of perfection? I want someone whose imperfections add something to his whole persona and not subtract from it. Someone aware of his limitations yet not afraid to dream and take risks. I want someone who's gonna be an extension of myself but an entirely different individual in his own right. Someone who's gonna be smart enough to see through me yet sensitive enough to keep it to himself.
He's going to be dreamy to look at... with eyes that gets you lost and lips that makes you forget. He'll have the voice of an angel but the charm of the devil. He'll be able to dance with me, laugh with, argue with me,cry with me. He'll get under my skin... driving me to heights I've never dreamed of while needing me as much.
I want all these and more. But truth be told... all I really want is someone who'll want me enough to keep me.


*My dad and brothers were able to get multiple-entry tourist visas! Yey! My mom and youngest brother, Sam, will be flying in 3rd week of March; my mom going to Salt Lake to be with my sis before she gives birth and Sam staying with us until my sister's wedding in May. My dad and other brother, Wilf, will be here in the Bay Area by the first week of May and then we're off to a spring roadtrip covering three states -- SoCal-Vegas-Utah. Can't wait!

*More than half-way through the three month internship, I am grateful for this experience that has enriched my professional life and opened possibilities I haven't thought of before. Suddenly, charting my way back to the loving arms of academia does not seem as daunting as before.

*NogNog and I are back in each other's arms :0) Though driving still stresses me out, this time around, I think our relationship will be for keeps :0)

*Though the past week was no basis, I can actually smell the arrival of spring. The days are getting longer, the nights, shorter. This means more time for fun stuff after work -- a 3 mi run, a bike ride around the marina, a walk around the park. Spring will surely cure the discontent that winter never fails to stir in me.

*Leila and her husband, Kevin, spent a week here in the Bay Area. Having Karen here when Leila came to visit was an added bonus! We spent Friday night and the whole of Saturday with them. The Saturday adventure was, as Leila put it, one for the books! I am just thankful that though years separate each meeting with these friends of mine, we never fail to reconnect each time. It is true that adage, old friends are the best kind of friends.