

Disappointment is a pill that leaves a vile taste in one's mouth. It raises questions of misplaced trust and unfounded expectations. Even before 8am today, I had to swallow this bitter pill given by a friend. I guess I was too assuming when I hoped that he will be there to help me out of a jam I was unwillingly forced into.

Less than an hour after that, someone tried playing smart-ass with me. And got a very public put-down for his effort. Usually, I can rise above those kind of remarks. But there are times when I find it too much of an effort to play little Miss Nice. Especially with people who rubs me raw and seems to suck out all the niceness I can offer.

Today was turning out to be one of those I-should-have-stayed-in-bed days.

Luckily, the later half of the day turned out rather well. Lunch with an old friend, tuna sandwich at Almon Marina and flirty boy shorts for a bargain managed to save the day for me.

Hmm. Seems like Mondays can be the dreadful end to a long and refreshing weekend. Or Mondays can be the unsullied start to a brand new week.

I haven't made up my mind yet about Mondays.

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