

It's been a tough 2 weeks, with the stress of Isaac teething and catching viral bronchiolitis and the disappointment of canceling our Manila trip due to zero PTO left adding to the daily juggling act of keeping a home, taking care of family and oh yeah, making a living. The visit to the emergency room last night seemed a fitting culmination to these crazy, crazy weeks.

Times like these, I can almost hear my Little Miss Sunshine sash start to tear and the tiara slowly slip down to my forehead. I am tempted to rip both off and wallow in the pool of sleepless, worry-filled nights and dazed, so-many-things-to-do-not-enough-time-to-do-them,i-am-ready-to-crash-days. And sometimes, I tell you, I almost give in. It's hard you know. But it seems that I always end up mending the sash, righting the tiara and practicing my smile, ready for another round of sashaying down the runway of FML-kind-of-days.

Why? Because no matter what happens, it's hard to deny the fact that I have been blessed. That I am blessed. This kind of days just gives me the opportunity to realize and appreciate that a lot more.

Both the big blessings:

(It warms my heart to see how one loves the other to bits)

(Isn't he just the cutest?!)

And the small ones:

(My most favorite chocolate in the whole wide world!)

(My mouse at work never fails to make me smile :0))

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