Five Things You May Not Know About My Time In School:* The only time I ever got called to the principal's office during HS was when I spearheaded the school's JS Prom.
* I cut class only twice in my entire school life... both instances in college. (
Hay. Patapon na ako nung college :0P)
* I took up ARNIS in PE and got a 2.75 for my efforts :0P
* I was a college scholar during my first semester as a full-time post-grad student.
* During my AS days, I used to come to class wearing a loose shirt, boxers, white socks and sneakers.
Five Things You May Not Know About The Jobs I Had:* I've had a mother demonstrate to me how strong her breastmilk flow was.
* I saw stars when I was struck, hard, on the chest, by a much taller and much heavier, 14-yr. old boy with behavioral problems.
* I've played the patient, kind listener when that's the last thing I can think of being.
* I've had an 80-year old man hit on me.
* I've been cursed, clawed, pinched and shouted at more than once.
Five Things You May Not Know About My Online Life:* I have 4 e-mail accounts, one gmail and three hotmails.
* I've had, to count, five blogs, since 2002.
* I used to frequent chatrooms and make up new identities.
* I'm a blog lurker.
* Nowadays, I get my
Pinoy chismis fix from
Five Things You May Not Know About Where I Live:* The sun sets here at around 9 in the evening.
* About a 5-min drive east, you'll find rolling hills. A 5-min drive west, you'll find the glistening bay.
* We have a very pretty, warm and cozy yellow kitchen.
* There's an apple tree, a peach tree, a perssimon tree and a grape vine in our backyard.
* We have a mirrored headboard ;0)
Five Things You May Not Know About My Home Life:* For most of the weekdays, I only have a dog for company.
* I have lunch with my husband every single day.
* I rarely spend time in the living room.
* I try, as much as possible, to always have fresh flowers on the dining room table.
* I still don't know how to use the washer and dryer.
Five Things You May Not Know That I Desperately Want:* A job that pays well.
* To pass the State Boards.
* To never fail my husband and family.
* A Coach bag and wallet.
* A red Benz.
Five Embarassing Fannish Admissions I Have That You May Not Know:* For a while, in my young and tender years (hehe!), I was obsessed about Parokya Ni Edgar's bassist, Buwi.
* While in Sanrio Puroland, I (gently) shoved a few Japanese kids off Hello Kitty so that I can have my picture taken with her.
* I try to watch every Aga Muhlach movie that I can.
* I find Nicolas Cage sexy.
* I watch even the reruns of CSI just to get my weekly Grissom fix.
Five Things You May Not know About What I Do In A Typical Day:* I call my husband at work just to flirt with him ;0)
* Watch HGTV or the Lifetime channel.
* Allot time to fold the plastic grocery bags into small, neat, triangular packages.
* Keep the TV on the whole day (until my hubby gets home) for background noise.
* Spend the an hour or two surfing the web.
Why the survey? I'm currently keeping my hubby company at his office as he finishes some work. Yup. On a lovely Saturday afternoon. But I'd rather be here with him than out somewhere with anyone else.