
Looking forward

Got an e-mail from my Dad today. It made me a lil sad coz the tone of his e-mail was a lil sad. Seems like my family is missing me badly.

I miss them too. I just try not to dwell on it too much. Thinking about the life I left behind in Manila makes me lonely and afraid. Lonely for the family and all the friends I've left behind. Afraid of literally starting again from scratch. Looking back makes me realize how far I've come before and how much I had.

That's why I resolutely focus forward. I take each day as they come and try not to be too overwhelmed. I really am excited about the future and all it has to offer. And knowing myself, I value the journey to that future more than the actual destination :0) I'm just so thankful I found the perfect partner to travel with.

I guess it's hard for parents to see their kids leave the nest and start a life of their own. What more if that new life is half-way across the world from them.

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