
Looks like I spoke too soon.

I just finished downloading the study guide for the California Law Exam (CLE) -- all 98 pages of it :0P I still think it's going to be easier than the boards but I guess it's not going to be the walk in the park that I thought it would be. But I'm not complaining, no siree. I'd rather plod through 98 pages of legal jargon than repeat studying for the State Boards. After all, 98 pages is nothing compared to cramming 2 years of study into 3 weeks :0P

Anyway, I think I'm gonna have enough time to study for it because contrary to what I thought, that all I need to do is schedule the CLE, I still need to go through a couple of steps before I get to sit for it. Steps like registering for it and waiting for my authorization-to-test letter before I can actually schedule. Anyway, it's all good. No rush.

On to other stuff -- next month's gonna be my birthday month and I'm looking forward to it, more than usual. My 28th year has been good so far and I know that with the way things are going, my 29th will be a lot better :0)

For not so good news, we finally had someone look over the damage to our front lawn. The landscaper said that it will cost us $400 to get everything cleaned up. That does not include replacement of the Junipers that was burned. Sigh. The painful thing is it's gonna come from our own pockets. The insurance can cover it but we've decided that it's not worth getting our premiums jacked up. Oh-well.

We're off to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. This movie holds a special place in my heart since it's based on the Disney ride -- and that's where my husband proposed to me :0)

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