
Saying goodbye is never an easy thing.

It's the night for mixed emotions. On one hand, we're happy that everything went smoothly. On the other hand, we're sad to let go of what has been a part of our family for the past several years.

Tonight, we closed on the sale of our CR-V.

I think Mr.A took the loss harder than I did. I can't blame him. The CR-V was his first car here, his baby. The buyers were really lucky because his TLC showed on how the car looks, and how it runs. I hope they show it the same kind of love that we've shown it.

I know, I know. Seems silly getting worked up over a car but this one shared a lot of our firsts :0)


We're actually pretty lucky at how fast the whole process was. We listed it at Craigslist last Friday and closed the sale tonight. The couple who ended up buying it seemed to appreciate how much the car meant to us.

Paring down to being a one-car family seemed to be the most practical thing to do nowadays, what with the cost of gas and the rocky economy. It won't be as convenient but it won't be as much of a hardship for us since I rarely drive even before. It'll be interesting how we'll figure the logistics out once Bebe's here and I'm back to work. We'll see.

The trade-off though is actually nice -- we'll be able to pay off the Civic (2 years in advance) with the money from the sale. Plus, one less car insurance payment will provide us with some more wiggle room in our budget. With no car payments and no credit card debt to think about, and just the utilities and mortgage to budget for, I think we're at a good place to be starting a family :0)

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