
Yes, I'm smiling :0)

Originally uploaded by Mrs. A.
And I have a right to be, coz you see, I was being my old paranoid self regarding my NBI clearance :0P

It took me all of 10 mins (including the time I spent browsing in the tiangge below the NBI) to get my clearance. No namesake with a criminal record. No hassle.

Just my certificate stating that GUERRERO de SALDUA, LEAH of so-and-so address, has NO DEROGATORY RECORD. Yey!

Now I just have to wait for the NSO to release the SECPA of my marriage certificate. Was supposed to be released yday, but maybe the NSO thought that I've had it easy for so long that they have to torment me a lil more, so they're releasing it on Monday :0P

Then Im off to amend my passport. Talk about the road to true love never running smooth. Or something like that.

One more reason to smile about, our K3 visa application is running neck on neck with our immigrant application. Meaning, I have one more option to choose from!

Maybe I can make it to CA before May :0)

(Yep, I had a haircut. Just waited to get the wedding over with before I got back to my wash and wear style. )

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