
Another installment of my dental saga

In about a week, I will be sedated and will go home 2 molars less than what I had when I came in.

It’s weird because I am looking forward to that extraction in the way that you look forward to things you dread – so that you can have them finally over with.

I was very apprehensive about it since I haven’t had any of my teeth pulled out in the 27 years that I’m alive. But talking to the oral surgeon who’s going to do the extraction made me feel much better.

My dentist actually recommended having all four of my wisdom teeth removed but Dr. M told me that removing the two lower ones would be enough. For that alone, he has earned my respect and eternal gratitude.

Dr. M also explained every little thing to me, managing to assuage most of my fears and my doubts about the whole procedure. He also recommended sedating me (which he described as “not being unconscious but just not caring”) to make the whole process more comfortable.

(That was a lot of load off my mind since back in Manila, extractions are commonly done with local anesthetic only. And the stories you hear are just downright scary.)

As I understand it, I just have to fast 8 hours before and basically float through the whole process.


I’m not yet thinking of the post-op scenario lest I lose my nerve :0P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girl. just make sure mr.a ain't there while you're sedated...i dunno what sedative dr. M is planning to use, but remember that the "truth serum" is a sedative as well...not that you keep anything from your hubby...hey, why don't you have dr. M sedate mr. a then ask him for his bank account number?! :D hahaha!