
nothing irritates like a toothache :0P

My impacted wisdom tooth is acting up again.

I got a topical analgesic to soothe the angry red gums that surrounds it. It worked Wednesday night. But last night, I had to resort to a couple of Advils to keep the hounding pain away.

Looking inside my mouth, I couldn't see the darn tooth anymore. Yup, the swelling was that bad that the gums seem to cover up my half-buried tooth :0P I am even starting to look like a chipmunk with a cheekful of nuts.

I knew then that I needed more than pain relievers to battle the pain and the inflammation. Problem is, unlike in Manila, I couldn't get OTC antibiotics here.

So I went to the dentist today. I had a complete set of dental x-rays taken and I was prescribed with pain relievers and antibiotics. I also had a whole dental treatment plan laid out to me. Last but not the least, I was referred for wisdom tooth extraction.

I am really apprehensive about the surgery but if it means never having to contend with this pain anymore, then I am all for it.

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