
The extraction went well.

It was actually better than I expected.

After filling out some forms, I was whisked away to the OR, with a dental chair instead of an operating table. I was then strapped with a BP apparatus and other monitors for my vital signs.

The most unpleasant part was the insertion of the IV for the anesthesia. But it was soon over in a second since there wasn't a needle in the IV, just a small tube.

What was weird was the fact that I could hear the surgeon and the nurses talking during the extraction. I was even able to follow instructions. When it was finished, it seemed like just 5 minutes to me when in reality, it took almost half an hour!

I guess that's what sedation does to you :0P

I'm actually feeling better now. No painful episodes, just a lil swelling. I even managed to join my two babies at the park for a walk :0)

Mr.A and Tootsie

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