
Conversion of a nerve impulse to a muscle impulse occurs through a complicated process.

At last. I finally got to jumpstart my studying.

I spent 4 hours today at the nearest Barnes and Noble, sipping my tall coffee frapp, and digesting two chapters of Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology.

It was touch and go for a moment as I almost gave in to the overwhelming impulse of taking a break and thumbing through some magazines after just half an hour of muscle physiology.

But I held on.

And before I knew it, Mr.A was by my side to pick me up and I've not only read, but comprehended, a total of 38 pages full of kinetics and neuromuscular physiology.

And the only lingering evidence of that highly taxing mental activity of mine is this headache and my newly acquired appreciation of the anaerobic and aerobic activities.

So I say, bring it on!

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