
Today, the future looks promising.

Yep. I've had a change of heart. After a long and soothing talk with my hubby, I am not so afraid anymore.

Oh, I still have the jitters about embarking on to the wonderful world of the employed here in California. I just managed to put everything in perspective.

Maybe it's having a lil confidence on my abilities, easing the pressure I was putting on myself and taking things one at a time that made all the difference.

Or maybe it was because we spent the afternoon at Six Flags Waterworld. After all it's difficult staying down while playing in an H2O wonderland :0)


Yesterday was V2, today the Tornado.

*Pics from the Six Flags Waterworld site


d3nd3n said...

hi leah, i'm sure you'll do great with whatever it is you'll be doing. good luck!

Anonymous said...

hey leah, you'll be fine and you'll knock 'em dead :o) Ive been reading your blogs and sa totoo lang, nami-miss ko lalo ang SFO :( But Im glad you're enjoying every bit of it... ingats parati and stay cool :o) hope to see you soon! - reena